D. Ruiz-Hernández, J. López Pascual
During restructuring processes due to mergers and/or acquisitions, firms frequently face the problem of having redundant facilities competing with each other for the same group of customers or clients. The problem of closing down facilities in such a network has not been fully addressed in the literature, and, whenever it has been analysed, it has been orientated to shrinking services as a response to shifts in demand or to changing market conditions. In this paper we introduce a new facility closing and resizing model based on the capacitated facility location problem. The model considers both, closing down and long term operation costs, and addresses the problem of resizing open facilities in order to accommodate customers displaced from those closed. We motivate the problem with an example from the banking sector and compare this to minor adaptations of standard location models to illustrate the advantages of our approach.
Palabras clave: facility location, delocation, network restructuring, integer programming
JE4 Problemas de localización 2
19 de abril de 2012 17:00
Sala París