J. M. Sarabia Alegría, F. Prieto Mendoza, C. Trueba
The Fisk distribution is a flexible family of income distributions with several practical advantages. For a fixed shape parameter, the most general bivariate distribution with Fisk conditionals is identified. The properties of the new family are studied in detail, including marginal and conditional distributions, regression functions, dependence measures, moments and inequality measures. Several reliability properties are also studied including survival and hazard bivariate functions, hazard components and the Clayton-Oakes measure. Estimation of the parameters based on maximum likelihood is considered. Multivariate extensions to higher dimensions are also provided. An application with real economic data is given.
Palabras clave: fisk distribution, conditional densities, dependence measures, reliability
VB5 Distribuciones estadísticas 2
20 de abril de 2012 10:30
Sala Viena