E. López Vizcaíno, M. J. Lombardía Cortiña, D. Morales González
In the context of economic crisis in which the European Union is, in Spain the impact of this crisis on the labour market has been much more intense than in most advanced economies. In this situation police makers of all levels of public administration plan and act with the aim of reducing unemployment. In general, global policy measures are not usually satisfactory for local authorities that can develop their own strategies for employment. The objective of this work is to estimate labour force indicators in counties of Galicia using small area estimation techniques. We propose a multinomial logit mixed model with time and area effects to obtain small area estimates of labour force totals and unemployment rates in Galicia. The fitted model is then used to estimate the totals of employed and unemployed people and the unemployment rates of Galician counties.We calculate, also, the mean squared error by using analytical expressions and parametric bootstrap.
Palabras clave: labour force survey, small area estimation, area level models, multinomial mixed models, bootstrap, unemployment totals, unemployment rates
VB1 JEP-Estimación de pequeñas áreas 2
20 de abril de 2012 10:30
Salón Madrid