F. J. Martín Campo

A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization (MINLO) model for the Collision Avoidance problem in Air Traffic Management is presented. The problem consists of deciding the best strategy for an arbitrary aircraft configuration such that all conflicts in the airspace are avoided. A conflict situation occurs if two or more aircraft lose the minimum safety distance that they have to keep during their flight plans. The MINLO model is based on geometric constructions. The objective is the minimization of the angle variations, such that all conflicts are solved. A computational comparison is performed by considering a state-of-the-art MINLO solver and a linear approximation by discretizing the possible angles of motion is used in order to approximate the optimal solution by a Sequential Mixed Integer Linear Optimization (SMILO) models in an iterative way. Since the problem has to be solved in almost real-time, the approximate SMILO approach is favored due to its small computing time and solution’s quality, and the astonishing small time required for obtaining the incumbent solution.

Palabras clave: collision avoidance, air traffic management, mixed 0-1 non-linear optimization, heuristics


JC4 Premio Ramiro Melendreras
19 de abril de 2012  12:00
Sala París

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