A. Suárez Llorens, M. Á. Sordo Díaz, M. Shaked
Two basic ideas, that give rise to global dependence stochastic orders, are introduced and studied. The similarities and diffrences between the resulting global dependence orders, and the known common positive dependence orders, are discussed. Some desirable properties that global dependence orders may expected to satisfy are listed and checked. Three particular global dependence orders, that come up from the two general ideas, are studied in detail. It is shown, among other things, how these orders can be verified. Finally, some applications in auction theory, in reliability theory, and in economics, are described.
Palabras clave: positive dependence, convex order, dispersive order, increasing rearrangement, Jensen's Inequality, auction theory, reliability theory, Gini covariance, Gini correlation, absolute concentration curve
VC7 Aplicaciones de la probabilidad
20 de abril de 2012 12:00
Sala Roma II