S. Muñoz López

Given the station locations of a rapid transit network and the links between them, in this work we tackle the problem of designing the set of lines for the network, minimizing an estimation of the total number of transfers that should be made by the users to arrive at their destinations, so that the number of lines going to each station is as small as possible. It is assumed that whichever two stations are linked by one line at most, and the users choose routes of minimum length for taking their trips. A greedy heuristic procedure for dealing with this problem can be found in the literature. It explicitly determines the shortest routes for those origin-destination pairs of locations whose users are expected to utilize the rapid transit network. We present a 0-1 programming model for solving such problem, and we also report some computational experience on several instances considered in the literature.

Palabras clave: line designing, transfer, degree of a node


XC1d Pósters (Investigación Operativa)
18 de abril de 2012  12:00
Salón Madrid

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Aplicaciones de la Estadística y la I.O. a las tecnologías móviles

V. López, M. Baez, J. Rodríquez de LLera, D. Sanz, M. Saucedo, P. Torralbo, A. Zapata, J. Tejada, G. Miñana Ropero, A. Borrego, J. Cordero, L. Cruz, M. González, F. Hernández, D. Palomero

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Optimización multiobjetivo en multidimensional scaling

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Últimas noticias

  • 22/04/12
  • 11/03/12
    Programa del congreso
  • 11/03/12
    Cuota reducida
  • 15/01/12
    Cuota superreducida


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