S. Perra, S. Cabras, M. E. Castellanos Nueda

In this work we consider the problem of covariate selection in Weibull regression analysis for right censored data under an objective Bayesian point of view using the usual improper prior for location-scale models. We compare each candidate model with a null reference model. Model comparison is approached via the intrinsic Bayes Factor (IBF) of Berger and Pericchi (JASA, 1996) and the fractional BF (FBF) of O'Hagan (J. Roy. Statist Soc., 1995). Because of censoring (Berger and Pericchi, Ann.Stat, 2004) we need to define a suitable minimal training sample (MTS) that accounts for censoring. We address this problem using sequential MTS (SMTS) for which the MTS sample size, N, is random. We derive its probability distribution P(N) and show that averaging the conditional (on N) FBF over P(N) may be a feasible alternative to the IBF with SMTS for searching over a large space of models. Comparisons between FBF and IBF are made with a simulation study and an application to a real data set.

Palabras clave: improper priors, regression, training sample


MC1 Métodos bayesianos 1
17 de abril de 2012  12:00
Salón Madrid

Otros trabajos en la misma sesión

A new family of density functions on the interval (0,1)

B. González Pérez, M. Á. Gómez Villegas

Heterogeneity in Bayesian stochastic frontier models

J. Galán Camacho, H. Veiga, M. Wiper

Distribuciones de referencia globales

J. M. Bernardo

URL de la comunicación: http://www.uv.es/bernardo

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Últimas noticias

  • 22/04/12
  • 11/03/12
    Programa del congreso
  • 11/03/12
    Cuota reducida
  • 15/01/12
    Cuota superreducida


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