D. Alcaide López de Pablo, R. Dios-Palomares, Á. M. Prieto

The efficiency in production has been often analysed in the field of technical efficiency through the production frontier function. As far as we known, efficiency scores are usually based on distances to the frontier in an m+s dimensional space, where m inputs produce s outputs. And efficiency improvements regard to the total consumption of each input. However, in many cases, each input is detached in its own stages and trade–off among them is possible. If the firms have this common framework, it can be used for computing efficiency. Such analysis also provides the most efficient assignment in each stage. This paper studies technical efficiency with this focusing. A non–parametrical methodology and an input oriented Multicriteria Linear Programming model (MLP) are proposed. The analysis is detailed to global, input and stage levels; defining the satisfaction achieved at each level for each firm about its utility function. Thus, MLP offers detailed information for better helping firms.

Palabras clave: multicriteria and linear programming models, DEA models, efficiency and production processes


VD4 Análisis envolvente de datos
20 de abril de 2012  15:30
Sala París

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