C. Simon de Blas, J. Simón Martin, A. Arias Coello

This work analyzes productivity growth, technical progress, and efficiency change in a sample of 34 Spanish university libraries between 2003 and 2007. Data envelopment analysis and a Malmquist index are combined with a bootstrap method to provide statistical inference estimators of individual productivity, technical progress, pure efficiency, and scale efficiency scores. To calculate productivity, a three-stage service model has been developed, examining productivity changes in the relationships between the libraries’ basic inputs, intermediate outputs, and final outputs. The results indicate a growth in the productivity of the libraries and in the productivity of the service. The growth in productivity in both relationships is due to technical progress. If the variable representing the use of electronic information resources is removed from the final output, the result is a significant reduction in productivity.

Palabras clave: DEA, indice de malmquist


VD4 Análisis envolvente de datos
20 de abril de 2012  15:30
Sala París

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