N. Torrado Robles, R. E. Lillo Rodríguez
It is well known that n-k+1’th order statistic in a sample of size n represents the life length of a k-out-of-n system which is an important technical structure in reliability theory. Then, we can consider two spacings from two different k-out-of-n systems in order to examine whether the first system is better than the second one in some stochastic sense. In this talk, we present ordering properties involving spacings between order statistics from non-identical independent random variables. Specifically, we establish conditions under which normalized and simple spacings from two samples are ordered in the likelihood ratio ordering. Moreover, we also show some applications to multiple-outlier models.
Palabras clave: stochastic orderings, order statistics, spacings
MC5 Fiabilidad 1
17 de abril de 2012 12:00
Sala Viena