E. López Cano, J. Martínez Moguerza, A. Redchuk
Preparing training materials often takes time and effort for the trainer. It complicates when several people collaborate in preparing them. Moreover, a variety of formats are needed for a state-of-the-art course. When training statistics, the resources for the materials come from three main sources: text (including formulas), graphics and code (both input and output). A unified way of integrating all the sources into documents of different formats, such as presentations, lecture notes or assignments is desirable. The R language and statistical software provides the ideal framework for this integration in the field of statistics and other related subjects that entail data analysis. In this work we introduce the elements of the R system needed for the objectives mentioned above, and present an application to Six Sigma methodology for process improvement, with examples on how to integrate input sources and output materials using R.
Palabras clave: Six Sigma, R, statistics, quality, reproducible research, open source
MC6 Enseñanza de la Estadística y la Investigación Operativa 1
17 de abril de 2012 12:00
Sala Roma I